Amp Up Your Cyber Risk Strategy:

3 Imperatives to Implement Now


Cyber threats are becoming increasingly pervasive and elaborate. If it isn’t ransomware that’s locking a company’s files, it’s a social engineering or phishing attack that’s manipulating employees to give up confidential information. Supply chains are also creating new entry points for cyber criminals to amplify their attacks.

The reactive approach to cyber risk management is no longer effective. It’s time to proactively anticipate, manage, assess, treat, and most of all, prioritize cyber risks to keep your organization safe.

This eBook discusses three key strategies that can help organizations get – and stay – ahead of cybersecurity risks, including:

  • Harmonizing cybersecurity frameworks: How do you harmonize compliance controls and map them to risks and processes?
  • Quantifying cybersecurity risks in monetary terms: How do you know which risks to address first, or where to focus your cybersecurity investments?
  • Continuous monitoring of controls: How can you get real-time insights into control effectiveness?

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