The Three Dimensions of Risk


In today's complex and dynamic business world, risks are interconnected. From climate crisis to geopolitical tensions, financial disruptions, regulatory pressure, and cyber threats, emerging risks intersect and impact each other. As risks evolve and intertwine, traditional approaches to governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) fall short.

Now more than ever, boards and leadership teams need to understand how risks interconnect with and influence each other. Decision-makers need real-time risk intelligence to anticipate and tackle those “unknown unknowns” while also capitalizing on growth opportunities.

Download this eBook that outlines the Three Dimensions of Risk:

  • Dimension One - The four waves of risks in GRC that every organization faces today
  • Dimension Two - Empowering key stakeholders to make risk-aware decisions
  • Dimension Three - Organizational agility based on federation and flexibility



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