Boost Your Third-party Management Programs with Real-time Third-party Information Security Ratings from BitSight

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With the pandemic forcing organizations to embrace digital transformation, organizations have not only accelerated business during global lockdown, but have also faced many cyberattacks and information security breaches. These events were mainly a result of poorly managed third-party infosec risks. The need for risk intelligence that provides an organization with insights into the relative level of risk especially within third-party relationships is accelerating. MetricStream Third-Party Risk Management product leverages information security related information from BitSight. The integration enables our customers to perform information security risk assessment using BitSight content integration.

Read our technical brief to how you can:

  • Streamline onboarding risk assessments with Information Security Score/Rating from BitSight
  • Ensure Continuous Monitoring of third parties for information from a security risk perspective by subscribing to alerts from BitSight
  • Leverage Risk Intelligence report for monitoring threshold breaches on preset limits on InfoSec scoring by BitSight


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