How To Better Manage Your Cyber Risks in the Digitized World

Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 | Time: 4:00 pm SGT | 12:00 pm UAE | 1:30 pm IST



Michel Feijen
Managing Director APAC, MetricStream

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Agnishwar Banerjee
Associate Director- Field Marketing, MetricStream

Risks are an inherent part of doing business – and today’s risks are interconnected and escalating fast. With the pandemic induced acceleration towards digitization and digital transformation of systems, work styles, processes and even culture, cyber risks have grown exponentially and continue to grow. With increasing dependency on the cloud, IOT, work from home, use of AI/ML, and ever-evolving regulations, the associated IT and cyber risks change and more constantly, expanding risk types and instances.

Technology risks, like guarding your IT landscape, are just one aspect. The speed of digital transformation requires a real-time, continuous, holistic approach that addresses business and compliance risks as well as technology. Manual approaches are ineffective and can’t keep up.

So what’s the answer?

In this webinar, we will discuss how to achieve an effective and future-proof 360 degree cyber risk management process. We will cover:

  • Some of the top challenges faced in cyber risk management today
  • Why/how current processes and tools are not sufficient to manage today’s challenges
  • Elements of an effective Cyber Risk Management framework
  • Best Practices and Recommendations
  • Overview of CyberGRC – MetricStream’s leading cyber risk management solution

On 21st September, join our hosts ‘ Michel and Agnishwar, for an engaging and insightful session.

We look forward to welcoming you to an insightful and engaging session. Please bring your questions.

In case you’re unable to catch the live webinar, please register to receive the recording which you can watch at your convenience.